Saturday, March 31, 2012

Surprise! We are pregnant....again!

Hey everyone,

Joel, Lydia, Makayla, and I are so blessed and excited (and a little panicky) to announce we are completing our family of 5 this September with the birth of our new child.  January 27th I got a wonderful, and shocking, positive pregnancy test that sent us into a bit of a whirlwind!  While this little bundle of joy was not exactly the way we planned for our family to be completed, we are putting our complete trust in the big Man upstairs that all will work out according to His plan.....and we all know His plan is always better than ours (He has proven that to us time and time again)!!! 

We truely are looking forward to this next year and our third, sweet, little baby.  Lydia is certain, most of the time, that she will finally have a little brother!  Our next ultrasound will be sometime in mid May, and we will attempt to find out then if her little intuition is correct!

I have felt so great this whole pregnancy, I'm 15 weeks, and I cannot be more grateful for the incredible opportunity with which I have been blessed.  I honestly can't say enough times how much I love being pregnant and how much I will miss it after this one.  I think Juno said it best when she said "pregnancy often leads to an infant"...but if it didn't, I would be pregnant all the time!!  I am lucky enough to be able to do this 3 times, and I think we will leave it at that!  :)

The Oele's

(Sorry it's a little fuzzy, my dinosaur phone
doesn't take the best pics!)

1 comment:

  1. So wonderful, Emily. I know exactly how you feel about a surprise pregnancy. ;) I totally agree with you though - often the best things in life aren't up to us to plan. Congratulations!!
