Saturday, November 24, 2012


M - Maniac
A - Astoundingly amazing
K - Krazy
A - Adorable
Y - Young ( Y is a hard letter!)
L - Leo (that should say it all)
A - Adventurous

This girl is almost 16 months old now. 
She is always good for a laugh;
whether it's her running into a wall,
tripping over her own feet,
or just being silly!  She is the most energetic
little thing I know and love!


L - Lovely
Y - Yikes, she's smart
D - Dancer
I - Interesting conversations
A - Artsy

"Monster Face"
Lydia is 3 1/2 years old now.  It seems like yesterday I
was rocking my first born to sleep and trying to
figure out this whole parenthood thing! 
 She lights up my world everyday!

Austin: 2 Months

It is simply amazing how fast 2 months can fly by! 
He is wiggling and smiling all the time...
and still growing like a weed!
He is a very healthy eater,
and most nights he sleeps like a champion!
Thank you, Austin, for being perfect! :)
A - Accidental (but the best accident EVER!)
U - Unique
S - Sweet
T - Tough guy
I - Innocent
N - Newest member of the Oele Clan